Why Your Online Advertising

Isn't Producing Results

Written by Aaron Delezenski on February 16th 2020

The internet....that's for all those millennials and young kids. Not so fast, you may not want to think that way.

Yes, the internet and social media are full of cat videos and pictures of your friend's food and gifs and memes and oh my. But, the internet is way more than all that. Online marketing is also way more than that.

Social media is not just used for gathering reviews and posting pictures of your business. Social media and the internet has become one of the most powerful ways for businesses to advertise their products and services.

As you may already know, most social media platforms allow you to run advertisements. They usually make it really easy by just clicking a few buttons, usually called "Boost Post" and voila your ad is live.

You may have done that and then noticed you are not getting the results you wanted or expected. After all, they say you'll reach thousands of people for $20.

Next, you are turned off from online advertising and have the impression that it's too expensive...

I hate to break it to you but those simple ads are not designed to get you the best results. Those are the easy way, to get your feet wet and quite frankly, to get those platforms more money.

Fortunately and unfortunately there are a lot more technical aspects and more effective methods that will get you much better results.

Why do I say, unfortunately?

Well, if you fall into this category, then this means you've most likely tried social media advertising and failed. Meaning you believe it doesn't work for your business. That is completely fine and natural.


Because you are an expert in your industry and not in the digital marketing industry. If you are trying to run your business, be an expert in your industry and be an expert at marketing your business, well, that's a recipe for a mediocre business, at best.

Let me shed some light on the #1 advertising platform in the world.

Infographic courtesy of: SoravJain (soravjain.com)

Based on what you saw above, I'm here to tell you, no matter what industry you're in, your audience is on Facebook and they are ready to hear from you.

Facebook has so much data, they know more about you than you do. Well, that's a figure of speech, but the point I'm making is that Facebook knows who the buyers are, who the freebie seekers are, who post engagers are, who the link clickers are. Basically what type of action each person will make based on what type of post or ad they see.

The trouble with that is you can't just 'boost' a post and expect life-changing results. You need to guide Facebook to the type of people you are looking for and the outcomes you want. Since there are so many users on Facebook and so much data, there are many ways to advertise. Unless you know what you are doing, what each feature and button does, your results will be subpar.

There is a steep learning curve and a lot of work that goes into running a successful Facebook ad campaign. You can go and learn it all on your own, but that would mean your focus is moving away from your customers and I would hate to see that. After all, your customers are the number one asset of your business and that's where your focus as an expert needs to be.

Now here's the 'fortunately' part, my proven system that I have mastered over the past 3 years can get you the results you want. More customers, at a positive return on investment. This means you can focus on what you do best, providing outstanding service to your customers so they feel happy and wanting to come back time and time again.

Aaron Delezenski

Aaron Delezenski helps cryotherapy centers get 20-50 NEW customers per month. He is an expert at helping cryotherapy centers get clients using online methods and making things super simple to understand.

If you're interested in learning how Aaron can help you grow your cryotherapy business then click on blue button below.

Digital Marketing Common Misconceptions

Trust me when I say this, your customers ARE on Facebook...

“I’ve tried Facebook ads and they didn’t work. My customers don’t come from Facebook”

Why Your Online Advertising Isn't Producing Results

Yes, the internet and social media are full of cat videos and pictures of your friend's food and gifs and memes and oh my. But, the internet is way more than all that. Online marketing is also way more than that...

5 Ways To Attract More Customers

Remember back to getting your first customers? It may have been a relief when they first walked through the door. However, for you to grow or even stay in business, you need to constantly be acquiring new customers.


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We're changing the way digital marketing is done with our technology and service hybrid.

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We offer the best-in-class digital marketing services and technology solutions to SMB's.

We're changing the way digital marketing is done with our technology and service hybrid.

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Why Your Online Advertising

Isn't Producing Results

Written by Aaron Delezenski on

February 16th 2020

The internet....that's for all those millennials and young kids. Not so fast, you may not want to think that way.

Yes, the internet and social media are full of cat videos and pictures of your friend's food and gifs and memes and oh my. But, the internet is way more than all that. Online marketing is also way more than that.

Social media is not just used for gathering reviews and posting pictures of your business. Social media and the internet has become one of the most powerful ways for businesses to advertise their products and services.

As you may already know, most social media platforms allow you to run advertisements. They usually make it really easy by just clicking a few buttons, usually called "Boost Post" and voila your ad is live.

You may have done that and then noticed you are not getting the results you wanted or expected. After all, they say you'll reach thousands of people for $20.

Next, you are turned off from online advertising and have the impression that it's too expensive...

I hate to break it to you but those simple ads are not designed to get you the best results. Those are the easy way, to get your feet wet and quite frankly, to get those platforms more money.

Fortunately and unfortunately there are a lot more technical aspects and more effective methods that will get you much better results.

Why do I say, unfortunately?

Well, if you fall into this category, then this means you've most likely tried social media advertising and failed. Meaning you believe it doesn't work for your business. That is completely fine and natural.


Because you are an expert in your industry and not in the digital marketing industry. If you are trying to run your business, be an expert in your industry and be an expert at marketing your business, well, that's a recipe for a mediocre business, at best.

Let me shed some light on the #1 advertising platform in the world.

Infographic courtesy of: SoravJain (soravjain.com)

Based on what you saw above, I'm here to tell you, no matter what industry you're in, your audience is on Facebook and they are ready to hear from you.

Facebook has so much data, they know more about you than you do. Well, that's a figure of speech, but the point I'm making is that Facebook knows who the buyers are, who the freebie seekers are, who post engagers are, who the link clickers are. Basically what type of action each person will make based on what type of post or ad they see.

The trouble with that is you can't just 'boost' a post and expect life-changing results. You need to guide Facebook to the type of people you are looking for and the outcomes you want. Since there are so many users on Facebook and so much data, there are many ways to advertise. Unless you know what you are doing, what each feature and button does, your results will be subpar.

There is a steep learning curve and a lot of work that goes into running a successful Facebook ad campaign. You can go and learn it all on your own, but that would mean your focus is moving away from your customers and I would hate to see that. After all, your customers are the number one asset of your business and that's where your focus as an expert needs to be.

Now here's the 'fortunately' part, my proven system that I have mastered over the past 3 years can get you the results you want. More customers, at a positive return on investment. This means you can focus on what you do best, providing outstanding service to your customers so they feel happy and wanting to come back time and time again.

Aaron Delezenski

Aaron Delezenski helps cryotherapy centers get 20-50 NEW customers per month. He is an expert at helping cryotherapy centers get clients using online methods and making things super simple to understand.

If you're interested in learning how Aaron can help you grow your cryotherapy business then click on blue button below.

Delz Digital

We offer the best-in-class digital marketing services and technology solutions to SMB's.

We're changing the way digital marketing is done with our technology and service hybrid.

Copyright 2020 - Delz Digital - All Rights Reserved

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc.

Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way.

FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.